A practical framework for encouraging and supporting positive behaviour change in diabetes

Authors: Fisher L, Polonsky WH, Hessler D, Potter MB.


A wide range of diabetes-directed interventions – including novel medications, devices and comprehensive education programmes – have been shown to be effective in clinical trials. But in the real world of diabetes care their efficacy is often dependent upon on how well a clinician is able to support personal engagement and motivation of the person with diabetes to use these new tools and knowledge consistently, and as directed. Although many person-centred motivational and behavioural strategies have been developed, for example, action planning, motivational interviewing and empowerment-based communication, the sheer number and apparent lack of clear differences among them have led to considerable confusion. The primary goal of this review, therefore, is to provide a practical framework that organizes and structures these programmes to enhance their more systematic use in clinical care. Its purpose is to enhance clinician efforts to respectfully encourage and support engagement and motivation for behaviour change in people with diabetes. The three-step framework for organizing and describing the specific clinical processes involved is based on self-determination theory and includes: clinician preparation for a different type of clinical encounter, clinician/person with diabetes relationship building, and clinician utilization of specific behavioural tools. We conclude with practical considerations for application of this framework to the real world of clinical care.

Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28636745/

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BDI Monthly Events

March 12Case Consultation Meeting
March 12: BDI hosts the San Diego-wide, monthly case consultation meeting (for mental health professionals working in the field of diabetes). Contact us at [email protected] if you are in the greater San Diego area and would like further information about this program.
March 19-22International Conference
18th International Conference for ATTD (Advanced Technologies and Treatments for Diabetes) in Amsterdam, Dr. Polonsky (BDI President) has three presentations.
March 19Type 2 Presentation
On March 19, Dr. Polonski will present CGM is Wonderful, But… at the Roche-sponsored symposium, “Translating the Power of Prediction into Diabetes Management”, and Insulin Therapy Experience: Considering the Needs of People Living with Diabetes (with Professor Cukierman-Yaffe) at the Sanofi-sponsored symposium, Confidence and Simplicity in Diabetes Management”. https://attd.kenes.com/
March 20Type 2 Presentation
On March 20, Dr. Polonski will present Improved Patient- and Physician-Reported Outcomes with IGlarLixi When Switching From Premixed Insulin in People with Type 2 Diabetes: The Soli-Switch Study. https://cslide.ctimeetingtech.com/attd25/attendee/confcal/session/calendar/2025-03-20