Exploring Why People With Type 2 Diabetes Do or Do Not Persist With Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Receptor Agonist Therapy: A Qualitative Study

Authors: William Polonsky, Cory Gamble, Neeraj Iyer, Mona Martin, Carol Hamersky


Objective: Despite the demonstrated benefits of glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist therapy, adherence and persistence with this therapy is often challenging. The purpose of this study was to expand current understanding of patients’ experiences, motivations, and challenges relevant to their persistence with GLP-1 receptor agonist therapy.

Design and methods: This noninterventional, cross-sectional, qualitative study used face-to-face interviews with 36 adults with type 2 diabetes who had been treated with at least one GLP-1 receptor agonist medication. Inclusion criteria were: ≥18 years of age, diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, and currently treated with a GLP-1 receptor agonist for ≥1 month at the time of screening (“continuers”) or discontinued use of a GLP-1 receptor agonist ≤1 year of screening but with a total ≥1 month of treatment (“discontinuers”). Interviews were conducted using a semi-structured qualitative interview guide that included open-ended questions and probes to obtain both spontaneous and prompted input from participants about their current and past treatment experiences with GLP-1 receptor agonist therapy.

Results: Among continuers (n = 16), the most commonly identified facilitators supporting the decision to continue were the observations of improved glucose control (50%) and weight loss (55%). Among discontinuers (n = 20), the most commonly identified challenges leading to treatment discontinuation were side effects (55%) and high cost (50%). Continuers were more likely than discontinuers to receive clinically relevant information from their health care team, including facts about GLP-1 receptor agonist medications, likely treatment benefits, the importance of gradual dose titration, and the need to adjust diet after initiation.

Conclusion: Although cost is a major obstacle to treatment continuation, it can only be resolved through changes in ongoing reimbursement coverage and policies. However, many other obstacles could potentially be addressed (e.g., reducing side effects with gradual dosage titration and setting appropriate expectations regarding efficacy) through more collaborative patient-clinician interactions before initiating therapy.

Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34149258/

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BDI Monthly Events

March 12Case Consultation Meeting
March 12: BDI hosts the San Diego-wide, monthly case consultation meeting (for mental health professionals working in the field of diabetes). Contact us at [email protected] if you are in the greater San Diego area and would like further information about this program.
March 19-22International Conference
18th International Conference for ATTD (Advanced Technologies and Treatments for Diabetes) in Amsterdam, Dr. Polonsky (BDI President) has three presentations.
March 19Type 2 Presentation
On March 19, Dr. Polonski will present CGM is Wonderful, But… at the Roche-sponsored symposium, “Translating the Power of Prediction into Diabetes Management”, and Insulin Therapy Experience: Considering the Needs of People Living with Diabetes (with Professor Cukierman-Yaffe) at the Sanofi-sponsored symposium, Confidence and Simplicity in Diabetes Management”. https://attd.kenes.com/
March 20Type 2 Presentation
On March 20, Dr. Polonski will present Improved Patient- and Physician-Reported Outcomes with IGlarLixi When Switching From Premixed Insulin in People with Type 2 Diabetes: The Soli-Switch Study. https://cslide.ctimeetingtech.com/attd25/attendee/confcal/session/calendar/2025-03-20