Authors: Michael Vallis, Hana Ryan, Lori Berard, Emmanuel Cosson, Finn Boerlum Kristensen, Fleur Levrat-Guillen, Nicolas Naiditch, Remi Rabasa-Lhoret, William Polonsky
Objectives: Motivation to adhere to clinical recommendations requires engagement, and the urgency to act is one of many factors that contribute to achieving glycemic benefits in people with type 2 diabetes (PwT2D). Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) devices are associated with improved glycemic benefits. We conducted a qualitative assessment of PwT2D who found using CGM extremely beneficial and examined the potential for CGM to elicit motivation to engage in self-management behaviours.
Methods: Participants using CGM were recruited through social media and interviewed, and transcripts were analyzed (template analysis using thematic analysis) to generate coded responses and inductive themes by 2 raters.
Results: Thirteen participants (84.6% women, with a duration of T2D >5 years and CGM use for >6 months) were interviewed. Codes were organized around 3 themes: improved self-management, experience of glucose-sensing technology vis-à-vis general positive or negative experience, and positive impact of CGM on living with diabetes. Improved self-management was reflected in how the CGM technology provided personalized knowledge and ability to self-manage, particularly in contrast to finger pricking. Positive experience included motivation for behaviour changes as well as improved relationships with health-care providers and in social situations. This translated into a sense of improved health and an avoidance of complications. Negative experience included costs, concern over location of the sensor, and discomfort with the device.
Conclusions: CGM technology profoundly impacts multiple aspects of self-management and care for PwT2D. Developing a validated instrument to assess identified constructs could contribute to developing interventions and leveraging benefits of this technology, particularly the motivational constructs of engagement and urgency.