
BDI along with colleagues in the field of diabetes health and mental well being are continuously working on research projects to further improve the lives of people living with diabetes worldwide.

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Diabetes Distress Assessment

Understanding the Areas and Correlates of Diabetes-Related Distress in Parents of Teens With Type 1 Diabetes

Authors: Hessler, D., Fisher, L., Polonsky, W., Johnson, N. Abstract Objective: To identify the unique areas of diabetes-related distress (DD) for parents of teens with type 1 diabetes and parent and teen characteristics associated with DD. Methods: Areas of DD were developed from structured interviews and translated into 46 survey items. Items were analyzed with exploratory factor analysis (EFA). Results: An

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Emotional Distress in the Partners of Type 1 Diabetes Adults: Worries About Hypoglycemia and Other Key Concerns

Authors:   Polonsky, WH., Fisher, L., Hessler, D., Johnson, N. Abstract Background: Although the widespread prevalence of diabetes-related distress (DD) in adults with type 1 diabetes (T1D) has been well established, there has been little inquiry into the experiences of their spouse/partners. Therefore the goal of this study was to investigate the prevalence and sources of DD in the spouses

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Prevalence of depression in Type 1 diabetes and the problem of over-diagnosis

Authors: Fisher, L., Hessler, DM., Polonsky, WH., Masharani, U., Peters, AL., Blumer, I., Strycher, LA. Abstract Aims: To determine the prevalence of depression and diabetes distress in adults with Type 1 diabetes and the rate of false-positives when compared with rates of major depressive disorder. Methods: The sample consisted of 368 individuals with Type 1 diabetes, aged > 19 years. Individuals

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Identifying the worries and concerns about hypoglycemia in adults with type 2 diabetes

Authors:  Polonsky, WH., Fisher, L., Hessler, D., Edelman, SV. Abstract Aims: To identify the hypoglycemic concerns of adults with type 2 diabetes (T2D) and examine how these concerns are associated with key patient characteristics. Methods: Qualitative interviews with 16 T2D adults and 11 diabetes care providers were conducted. Survey items were then developed and submitted to exploratory factor analyses (EFAs).

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Development of a New Measure for Assessing Insulin Delivery Device Satisfaction in Patients with Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

Authors:  Polonsky, WH., Fisher, L., Hessler, D., Edelman, SV. Abstract Background: Although many different types of insulin delivery devices are currently available, there is no well-accepted, validated method to assess patient satisfaction with these devices and their impact on quality of life and other patient-reported outcomes. To address this problem, we developed the Insulin Device Satisfaction Survey (IDSS) and herein

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Development of a New Measure for Assessing Glucose Monitoring Device-Related Treatment Satisfaction and Quality of Life

Authors:  Polonsky, WH., Fisher, L., Hessler, D., Edelman, SV. Abstract Background: Many different devices are available to patients to measure glucose levels, but there is no validated method to assess treatment satisfaction with glucose monitoring devices and its impact on quality of life and other patient-reported outcomes. To address this problem, we developed the Glucose Monitoring System Satisfaction Survey (GMSS).

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When does personalized feedback make a difference? A narrative review of recent findings and their implications for promoting better diabetes self-care

Authors:  Polonsky, WH., Fisher, L. Abstract Providing behavioral, biomarker, or disease risk feedback to patients is a key component of most behavioral interventions in diabetes, but it remains unclear what is necessary for such feedback to be truly engaging and effective. We sought to identify how personalized health-related feedback is most effectively designed and delivered, and how feedback may be

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Understanding the sources of diabetes distress in adults with type 1 diabetes

Authors: Fisher, L., Polonsky, WH., Hessler, DM., Masharani, U., Blumer, I., Peters, AL., Strycher, LA., Bowyer, V. Abstract Aims: To identify the unique sources of diabetes distress (DD) for adults with type 1 diabetes (T1D). Methods: Sources of DD were developed from qualitative interviews with 25 T1D adults and 10 diabetes health care providers. Survey items were then developed and

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Causal and bidirectional linkages over time between depression and diabetes regimen distress in adults with type 2 diabetes

Authors: Hessler, D., Fisher, L., Strycker, LA., Arean, PA., Bowyer, V. Abstract Aims: Diabetes regimen distress (RD) and depression are related constructs, however the nature of their relationship has not been explored over time, leading to difficulties differentiating between RD and depression and for selection of programs of care. We examined longitudinal associations between RD and depression to explicate the

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The confusing tale of depression and distress in patients with diabetes: a call for greater clarity and precision

Authors: Fisher, L. Gonzalez, JS. , Polonsky, WH. Abstract Studies have identified significant linkages between depression and diabetes, with depression associated with poor self-management behaviour, poor clinical outcomes and high rates of mortality. However, findings are not consistent across studies, yielding confusing and contradictory results about these relationships. We suggest that there has been a failure to define and measure

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BDI Monthly Events

March 12Case Consultation Meeting
March 12: BDI hosts the San Diego-wide, monthly case consultation meeting (for mental health professionals working in the field of diabetes). Contact us at [email protected] if you are in the greater San Diego area and would like further information about this program.
March 19-22International Conference
18th International Conference for ATTD (Advanced Technologies and Treatments for Diabetes) in Amsterdam, Dr. Polonsky (BDI President) has three presentations.
March 19Type 2 Presentation
On March 19, Dr. Polonski will present CGM is Wonderful, But… at the Roche-sponsored symposium, “Translating the Power of Prediction into Diabetes Management”, and Insulin Therapy Experience: Considering the Needs of People Living with Diabetes (with Professor Cukierman-Yaffe) at the Sanofi-sponsored symposium, Confidence and Simplicity in Diabetes Management”.
March 20Type 2 Presentation
On March 20, Dr. Polonski will present Improved Patient- and Physician-Reported Outcomes with IGlarLixi When Switching From Premixed Insulin in People with Type 2 Diabetes: The Soli-Switch Study.


BDI along with colleagues in the field of diabetes health and mental well being are continuously working on research projects

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